Amend CSHB 2560 by striking page 3, line 20, through page 4, 
line 12, and substituting the following:
(a) A school district shall post on the district's Internet website 
a monthly listing of each transaction made using a credit card 
issued to:
		(1)  the district; or                                                  
		(2)  a district officer or employee for use in 
connection with district business.
	(b)  The listing of credit card transactions under 
Subsection (a) must include, for each transaction:
		(1)  the month and year of the transaction;                            
		(2)  the amount of the transaction; and                                
		(3)  the name of the payee.                                            
	(c)  A school district may comply with Subsection (a) by 
posting a credit card statement on the district's Internet website. 
Before posting a credit card statement as permitted by this 
subsection, a school district shall remove or obliterate the credit 
card number, the credit card expiration date, and the day of the 
month on which each transaction shown was made.
	(d)  A school district shall:                                           
		(1)  post each credit card transaction not later than 
the 30th day after the first date the district pays any portion of 
the balance due shown on the credit card statement that contains the 
transaction; and
		(2)  maintain the listing of a credit card transaction 
on the district's Internet website until the second anniversary of 
the date of the transaction.
	(e)  A school district shall post on the district's Internet 
website the first monthly listing of credit card transactions by 
listing each transaction on the first monthly statement the 
district receives that covers a billing period that ends after 
August 1, 2007. This subsection expires December 1, 2007.