Amend HB 2685 as follows on third reading:                                   
	(1) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in amended Section 
118.011(a)(7), Local Government Code (page 5, line 27), strike 
"$100.00" and substitute "$60.00".
	(2) In SECTION 5 of the bill, in amended Section 118.018(c), 
Local Government Code (page 6, line 23), strike "$10" and 
substitute "$6".
	(3) In SECTION 6 of the bill, in amended Section 
118.022(a)(1), Local Government Code (page 7, line 6), strike "$20" 
and substitute "$12".
	(4) In SECTION 6 of the bill, in amended Section 
118.022(a)(2), Local Government Code (page 7, line 10), strike 
"$20" and substitute "$12".
	(5) In SECTION 6 of the bill, in amended Section 
118.022(a)(3), Local Government Code (page 7, line 13), strike 
"$10" and substitute "$6".