Amend CSHB 2713 (House Committee Printing) as follows:                       
	(1)  On page 1, line 20, strike "and".                                         
	(2)  On page 1, between "governor" and the period, insert the 

		(8)  one member representing the electric generation 
industry, appointed by the governor;
		(9)  one member representing the academic community in 
the area of energy and environmental studies, appointed by the 
governor; and
		(10)  one member representing a public interest 
organization, appointed by the governor
	(1)  On page 2, line 27, strike "and".                                         
	(2)  On page 3, line 11, between "nonattainment area" and the 
period, insert the following:

			(E)  an assessment of the reliability of existing 
electric generating facilities to meet the demand for electric 
generation capacity;
			(F)  an estimate of the costs associated with 
meeting the demand for electric generation capacity; and
			(G)  recommendations for reducing demand through 
the use of energy efficiency programs
	(3)  On page 3, line 15, strike "and".                                         
	(4)  On page 3, line 16, between "Texas" and the period, 
insert the following:

; and                                                                         
		(4)  the Electric Reliability Council of Texas                                
	(5)  On page 3, line 17, between "(c)" and "The committee", 
insert the following:
	Each agency named by Subsection (b) shall designate an 
individual as the point of contact for the committee.