Amend HB 2884 on third reading by adding the following 
appropriately numbered SECTIONS and renumbering the subsequent 
SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Section 152.0721, Human Resources Code, is 
amended by adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
	(f)  The Duval County Juvenile Board and the juvenile boards 
of one or more counties that are adjacent to or in close proximity 
to Duval County may agree to operate together with respect to all 
matters, or with respect to certain matters specified by the 
juvenile boards.  Juvenile boards operating together may appoint 
one fiscal officer to receive and disburse funds for the boards.
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter D, Chapter 152, Human Resources 
Code, is amended by adding Section 152.1301 to read as follows:
	Sec. 152.1301.  JIM HOGG COUNTY.   (a) The Jim Hogg County 
Juvenile Board is composed of the county judge, the district judge 
in Jim Hogg County, and a citizen of Jim Hogg County appointed by 
the county judge and the district judge.  The citizen member of the 
board serves the same term of office as the district judge in Jim 
Hogg County.
	(b)  The district judge is the chairman of the board and its 
chief administrative officer.
	(c)  The commissioners court may pay the juvenile board 
members an annual salary set by the commissioners court at not less 
than $1,200 or more than $3,600 for the added duties imposed on the 
members.  The salary shall be paid in equal monthly installments 
from the general fund of the county.
	(d)  The juvenile board shall appoint not more than five 
persons to serve on an advisory council.
	(e)  The Jim Hogg County Juvenile Board and the juvenile 
boards of one or more counties that are adjacent to or in close 
proximity to Jim Hogg County may agree to operate together with 
respect to all matters, or with respect to certain matters 
specified by the juvenile boards.  Juvenile boards operating 
together may appoint one fiscal officer to receive and disburse 
funds for the boards.
	(f)  Sections 152.0002, 152.0004, 152.0005, 152.0006, 
152.0007, and 152.0008 do not apply to the juvenile board.
	SECTION ____.  Section 152.2201, Human Resources Code, is 
amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (f) to 
read as follows:
	(a)  The Starr County Juvenile Board is composed of the 
county judge, the judge of the county court at law in Starr County,
and the district judges in Starr County.
	(f)  The Starr County Juvenile Board and the juvenile boards 
of one or more counties that are adjacent to or in close proximity 
to Starr County may agree to operate together with respect to all 
matters, or with respect to certain matters specified by the 
juvenile boards.  Juvenile boards operating together may appoint 
one fiscal officer to receive and disburse funds for the boards.
	SECTION ____.  The Jim Hogg County Juvenile Board is created 
October 1, 2007.