Amend HB 2960, second reading engrossment, as follows:                       
	(1) On page 2, strike lines 2-3 and substitute the following:                  
	SECTION 3. Sections 2210.004(a) and (g), Insurance Code, are 
amended to read as follows:
	(2) On page 2, between lines 11 and 12, insert the following:                  
	(g) For purposes of this chapter, a residential structure is 
insurable property if:
		(1) the residential structure is not:                                         
			(A) a condominium, apartment, duplex, or other 
multifamily residence; or   
			(B) a hotel or resort facility; and                                   
		(2) the residential structure is located within an area 
designated as a unit under the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (Pub. L 
NO. 97-348)[; and
		(3) a building permit or plot for the residential 
structure was filed with the municipality, the county, or the 
United States Army Corps of Engineers before January 1, 2004].
	(3) ON page 14, strike lines 7=12 and substitute the 

"association. If that flood insurance is unavailable in any portion 
of the seacoast territory, an association policy insuring a 
residential structure described by Section 2210.004(g) is subject 
to a premium surcharge for the insurance coverage obtained through 
the association in an amount equal to not less than 10 percent of 
the premium, as set by the commissioner after notice and a hearing."