Amend CSHB 3057 (House Committee Printing) as follows:                       
	(1) On page 4, line 27, between "means" and "property", 
insert "tract or unit of".
	(2) On page 5, line 1, strike "two" and substitute "three".      
	(3) On page 5, line 20, strike "or".                                    
	(4) On page 5, lines 21–22, between "of" and "repeated", 
insert "substantiated and".
	(5) On page 5, line 23, strike "and".                                   
	(6) On page 5, between lines 23 and 24, insert the following:                  
				(vi) the maintenance of the property is below 
county or municipal standards; or
				(vii) the property is abandoned and contains 
a structure that is not fit for its intended use because the 
utilities, sewerage, plumbing, or heating or a similar service or 
facility of the structure has been disconnected, destroyed, 
removed, or rendered ineffective; or
				(viii) the property presents an economic 
liability to the immediate area due to deteriorating structures or 
hazardous conditions.
	(7) On page 5, lines 24-26, strike "(B) is conducive to ill 
health, transmission of disease, infant mortality, or crime in the 
immediate proximity of the property".
	(8) On page 6, line 7, strike the period.