Amend CSHB 3382 by adding the following appropriately 
numbered new SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent 
SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION ___.  Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Education Code, is 
amended by adding Section 51.949 to read as follows:
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS.  (a)  In this section:
		(1)  "Institution of higher education" has the meaning 
assigned by Section 61.003.
		(2)  "Instructional materials" means any printed or 
computer-generated educational material, including textbooks, or 
any equipment or supplies that a student is required or recommended 
to use in connection with a course.
		(3)  "University-affiliated bookstore" means a store 
that sells instructional materials, regardless of whether the store 
is located on the campus of an institution of higher education, and 
that is operated by or with the approval of the institution through 
ownership or through a management, lease, rental, or similar 
	(b)  This section does not apply to an institution of higher 
education with a university-affiliated bookstore if the bookstore 
is owned and operated by the institution.
	(c)  Each institution of higher education shall make 
available for public inspection through the Internet or in person a 
list of required or recommended instructional materials for a 
semester or other academic term at the same time the institution 
provides the list to the operator of a university-affiliated 
	(d)  To the extent that space for an activity described by 
this subsection is available, an institution of higher education 
shall provide to a retailer or other provider of instructional 
materials that holds a sales tax permit issued to the provider under 
Subchapter F, Chapter 151, Tax Code, the same opportunity as an 
operator of a university-affiliated bookstore to participate in any 
programs related to the dissemination or provision of instructional 
materials for students of the institution, including providing 
information at student orientation or participating in a program of 
repurchasing instructional materials.  If sufficient space is not 
available for each provider of instructional materials, other than 
an operator of a university-affiliated bookstore, that holds a 
sales tax permit and that applies to participate in an activity 
described by this subsection, the institution shall provide the 
available space in the same order as those providers applied to 
participate in the activity.
	(e)  An institution of higher education may charge to a 
provider of instructional materials, other than an operator of a 
university-affiliated bookstore, a reasonable fee for 
participation in an activity described by Subsection (d).
	(f)  If an institution of higher education works in 
conjunction with a university-affiliated bookstore to provide a 
method for the extension of credit or the ability of a student to 
charge or otherwise delay the payment of the costs of instructional 
materials, including the extension of credit under Section 
51.929(b), the institution shall provide to any other provider of 
instructional materials to students of the institution that holds a 
sales tax permit issued to the provider under Subchapter F, Chapter 
151, Tax Code, equal access and opportunity to use or develop the 
same or similar method of payment at a reasonable cost to that 
	(g)  Subsection (f) does not restrict an institution of 
higher education from adopting or enforcing a policy that is 
necessary to ensure the institution's compliance with a rule or 
policy of the National Collegiate Athletic Association or of 
another organization governing intercollegiate athletic 
competition of which the institution is a member.
	SECTION ____.  (a)  Section 51.949, Education Code, as added 
by this Act, applies only to a semester or term that begins on or 
after the effective date of this Act.
	(b)  Section 51.949, Education Code, as added by this Act, 
does not affect the terms of a contract entered into before the 
effective date of this Act.
	(c)  As soon as practicable on or after the effective date of 
this Act, each public institution of higher education to which 
Section 51.949, Education Code, as added by this Act, applies shall 
designate an officer or employee of the institution to ensure the 
institution's compliance with that section.