Amend HB 3583 (house committee printing) by adding the 
following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and 
renumbering subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Section 6.41, Tax Code, is amended by adding 
Subsections (d-1) and (d-2) and amending Subsection (f) to read as 
	(d-1)  The chairman of the board and the secretary of the 
board may be appointed by resolution of a majority of the appraisal 
district board of directors.  At least one member of the board of 
directors who was appointed by the district judges with 
jurisdiction in the county for which the appraisal district is 
established must vote in favor of the resolution, and the 
resolution must be adopted before the appraisal review board's 
first meeting in January.  If the appraisal district board of 
directors does not appoint a chairman and a secretary in the manner 
provided by this subsection, the board shall elect a chairman and a 
secretary from among its members.  The chairman and secretary of the 
board hold office for terms of one year beginning January 1.  A 
vacancy in either position is filled for the unexpired portion of 
the term in the same manner as the person serving in that position 
when the vacancy occurred was appointed or elected.
	(d-2)  The district board of directors may establish written 
policies regarding the conduct of appraisal review board members by 
resolution of a majority of its members.  At least one member of the 
board of directors who was appointed by the district judges with 
jurisdiction in the county for which the appraisal district is 
established must vote in favor of the resolution.
	(f)  A member of the board may be removed from the board by a 
majority vote of the appraisal district board of directors.  At 
least one member of the board of directors who was appointed by the 
district judges with jurisdiction in the county for which the 
appraisal district is established must vote in favor of removal of 
the member of the board.  Grounds for removal are:
		(1)  a violation of Section 6.412, 6.413, 41.66(f), or 
41.69; [or]
		(2)  good cause relating to the attendance of members 
at called meetings of the board as established by written policy 
adopted by a majority of the appraisal district board of directors; 
		(3)  a violation of a policy adopted in accordance with 
Subsection (d-2).
	SECTION ____.  Section 6.42(a), Tax Code, is amended to read 
as follows:     
	(a)  A majority of the appraisal review board constitutes a 
quorum.  [The board shall elect a chairman and a secretary from its 