Amend HB 3630 (House committee printing) by adding the 
following SECTION to the bill, appropriately numbered, and 
renumbering existing SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION ___.  Section 23.51(2), Tax Code, is amended to read 
as follows:     
		(2)  "Agricultural use" includes but is not limited to 
the following activities: cultivating the soil, producing crops for 
human food, animal feed, or planting seed or for the production of 
fibers; floriculture, viticulture, and horticulture;  raising or 
keeping livestock; raising or keeping exotic animals for the 
production of human food or of fiber, leather, pelts, or other 
tangible products having a commercial value;  [and] planting cover 
crops or leaving land idle for the purpose of participating in a
[any] governmental program, provided the land is not used for 
residential purposes or a purpose inconsistent with agricultural 
use; and planting cover crops or leaving land idle in conjunction 
with [or] normal crop or livestock rotation procedure.  The term 
also includes the use of land to produce or harvest logs and posts 
for the use in constructing or repairing fences, pens, barns, or 
other agricultural improvements on adjacent qualified open-space 
land having the same owner and devoted to a different agricultural 
use. The term also includes the use of land for wildlife management.