Amend CSHB 3678 (House committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1) On page 2, line 11, remove the word "or".                                  
	(2) On page 2, line 11, after "indecent speech" add the 
language: ", or a speech that would discriminate based on a person's 
race, ethnicity, gender, religious preference(s), nationality, 
age, disability or sexual orientation."
	(3) On page 5, line 21, remove the words "or".                                 
	(4) On page 5, line 21, after "indecent speech" add the 
language: ", or a speech that would discriminate based on a person's 
race, ethnicity, gender, religious preference(s), nationality, 
age, disability or sexual orientation."
	(5) On page 8, line 14, remove the word "or".                                  
	(6) On page 8, line 14, after "indecent speech" add the 
language: ", or a speech that would discriminate based on a person's 
race, ethnicity, gender, religious preference(s), nationality, 
age, disability or sexual orientation."