On page 5, line 10, of CSHB 3732 strike subsections (b), 
insert subsection (b) and (c) as follows and renumber accordingly:
	(b) As authorized by federal law, not later than nine months 
after the executive director declares an application for a permit 
under this chapter for an advanced clean energy project to be 
administratively complete, the executive director shall complete 
its technical review of the application.
	(c) The commission shall issue a final order issuing or 
denying the permit not later than nine months after the executive 
director declares the application technically complete. The 
commission may extend the deadline set out in this subsection up to 
three months if it determines that the number of complex pending 
applications for permits under this chapter will prevent the 
commission from meeting the deadline imposed by this subsection 
without creating an extraordinary burden on the resources of the 
	Conservation Office shall issue a report to the legislature 
providing an assessment of whether the ultra clean energy program 
should be extended due to a continued need for incentives to ensure 
that a diverse range of affordable fuels, including lignite, can be 
utilized in a manner that achieves the lowest emission profile that 
is technically and economically feasible.