Amend CSHB 3732, Senate committee printing, as follows:                      
	1.) On page 2, line 23, strike "hydrogen fuel cells derived 
from such fuels".
	2.) On page 2, line 23, after "solid waste," and before "or" 
insert the following: "hydrogen derived from the manufacture of 
chlorine, coke, or other chemical and petrochemical production 
processes, hydrogen fuel cells powered by such fuels,".
	(3.) On page 2, line 35 strike the "." and insert the 
following: "if any carbon dioxide is produced by the project.".
	(4.) On page 4, line 40, between "hydrocarbons" and "without" 
insert the following:

"or hydrogen".                                                         
	(4.) On page 6, line 14, between "hydrocarbons" and "without" 
insert the following: "or hydrogen".