Amend CSHB 3928 as follows:                                                  

(1)  On page 15, strike lines 20-22 and substitute:
		(3)  [the actual out-of-pocket expenses of the 
attorney, not to exceed] $500 per pro bono services case handled by 
the attorney, [of providing pro bono legal services to a person,] 
but only if the attorney maintains records of the pro bono
	(2)  On page 40, strike lines 12-14 and substitute:                            
		(2)  Section 171.1011(p)(4-b), as effective January 1, 
		(3)  Section 171.1014(g), as effective January 1, 2008; 
		(4)  Section 171.2035, as effective January 1, 2008.