Amend CSHB 3928 (House Committee Printing) as follows:                       
	On page 38, between lines 25 and 26, insert the following and 
renumber succeeding sections accordingly:
	SECTION 31, New section 171.213, Tax Code, to read as 
	§ 171.213. BIENNIAL REPORT BY COMPTROLLER. (a) Before the 
beginning of each regular section of the legislature, the 
comptroller shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, 
and the speaker of the house of representatives a report that 
		(1) the total amount of gross revenue reported by 
entities filing annual reports under this chapter, including 
specific categories of gross revenue;
		(2) the total amount of deductions from gross revenue 
claimed by entities filing annual reports under this chapter, 
including specific categories of deductions;
		(3) the total cost of goods sold reported by entities 
filing annual reports under this chapter, including details of the 
direct costs of acquiring or producing goods and the costs related 
to the acquisition and production of goods;
		(4) the total compensation reported by entities filing 
annual reports under this chapter, including wages and cash 
compensation, employee benefits, active duty military 
compensation, and undocumented worker compensation;
		(5) the margin reported by entities filing annual 
reports under this chapter, including the method by which this 
figure was calculated;
		(6) the apportionment factor reported by entities 
filing annual reports under this chapter;
		(7) the taxable margin reported by entities filing 
annual reports under this chapter, including the method by which 
this figure was calculated;
		(8) the tax due reported by entities filing annual 
reports under this chapter, including the tax rate applied;
		(9) tax credits claimed by entities filing annual 
reports under this chapter; and
		(10) the net tax due reported by entities filing annual 
reports under this chapter.
	(b) The report shall, to the extent possible, categorize the 
information required by this section by 
		(1) the two-digit standard industrial classification or 
North American industrial classification of entities filing annual 
reports under this chapter, and
		(2) the gross revenue reported by entities filing 
annual reports under this chapter
	(c) The comptroller may not include in the report information 
that is confidential by law.