Amend CSHB 3928 (Senate committee printing) in SECTION 30 of 
the bill by striking added Section 171.214, Tax Code (page 15, lines 
37-64), and substituting the following:
	SECTION __.  Subchapter E, Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended 
by adding Section 171.214 to read as follows:
Business Tax Advisory Committee is created. The committee is 
composed of:
		(1)  two members of the house of representatives, 
appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives;
		(2)  two members of the senate, appointed by the 
lieutenant governor; and
		(3)  the following persons appointed by the 
			(A)  at least five residents of this state who are 
engaged in a private business, as either an employee or an owner, 
that is subject to taxation under this chapter; and
			(B)  at least two residents of this state with 
expertise in state business taxation.
	(b)  The comptroller shall determine the number of residents 
appointed under Subsection (a)(3).
	(c)  The comptroller is the presiding officer of the advisory 
	(d)  The advisory committee shall conduct a biennial study of 
the effects of the tax imposed under this chapter on businesses in 
this state.  The study must take into consideration:
		(1)  the relative share of the tax paid by industry and 
by size of business;
		(2)  how the incidence of the tax compares with the 
economic makeup of this state's business economy;

		(3)  how the tax compares in structure and in amounts 
paid to the business taxes imposed by other states;
		(4)  the effect of the tax on the economic climate of 
this state, including the effect on capital investment and job 
		(5)  any factors that result in the tax not operating as 
intended; and
		(6)  any other item presented by the comptroller or by a 
majority of the committee.
	(e)  The comptroller by rule shall establish procedures for 
the functions of the advisory committee, including procedures 
requiring the advisory committee to issue a report on its findings 
to the speaker of the house of representatives, the lieutenant 
governor, and the governor not later than the date each regular 
session of the legislature begins.
	(f)  This section expires January 31, 2013.