Amend HR 3 (adopting the house rules) on page 161, between 
lines 19 and 20, by adding the following Subsection (c) to Rule 13, 
Section 5 (Printing Senate Amendments):
	(c) When a house bill or joint resolution, other than the 
general appropriations bill, with senate amendments is returned to 
the house, the chief clerk shall request the Texas Legislative 
Council to prepare an analysis that describes the substantive 
changes made to the house version of the bill by the senate 
amendments. A copy of the council's analysis of senate amendments 
shall be provided to the members electronically or as a printed copy 
at least 12 hours before action is taken on the senate amendments by 
the house. The Texas Legislative Council shall make all reasonable 
efforts to timely provide the analysis in as accurate a form as time 
allows. However, an unavoidable inability to provide the analysis 
or an inadvertent error in the analysis is not a sustainable 
question of order.