Amend CSSB 3 (house committee printing) as follows:                          

(1)  In SECTION 2.08 of the bill, in the recital to the 	section (page 44, line 15), strike "Subdivisions (10)" and 
substitute "Subdivisions (4-a), (10),".
	(2)  In SECTION 2.08 of the bill, between the recital to the 
section and proposed Section 16.053(h)(10), Water Code (page 44, 
between lines 15 and 16), insert the following:
		(4-a)  For purposes of this subsection, an 
interregional conflict includes an inconsistency between the 
regional water plans proposed by two or more regional water 
planning groups regarding:
			(A)  the construction of a water project in a 
particular regional water planning area; or
			(B)  the use of a source of water supply in a 
particular regional water planning area.