Amend CSSB 3 (House committee printing) in ARTICLE 2 of the 
bill by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS and 
renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of that ARTICLE accordingly:
	SECTION 2.____. Subsections (a), and (e), Section 36.1071, 
Water Code are amended to read as follows:
	Sec. 36.1071. MANAGEMENT PLAN. (a) Following notice and 
hearing, the district shall, in coordination with surface water 
management entities on a regional basis, develop a comprehensive 
management plan which addresses the following management goals, as 
		(1) providing the most efficient use of groundwater;                          
		(2) controlling and preventing waste of groundwater;                          
		(3) controlling and preventing subsidence;                                    
		(4) addressing conjunctive surface water management 
		(5) addressing natural resource issues;                                       
		(6) addressing drought conditions;                                            
		(7) addressing conservation, recharge enhancement, 
rainwater harvesting, precipitation enhancement, or brush control, 
where appropriate and cost-effective; [and]
		(8) addressing in a quantitative manner the desired 
future conditions of the groundwater resources [.] ; and
		(9) addressing total aquifer storage.                                  
	(e) In the management plan described under Subsection (a), 
the district shall:
		(1) identify the performance standards and management 
objectives under which the district will operate to achieve the 
management goals identified under Subsection (a);
		(2) specify, in as much detail as possible, the actions, 
procedures, performance, and avoidance that are or may be necessary 
to effect the plan, including specifications and proposed rules;
		(3) include estimates of the following:                                       
			(A) managed available groundwater in the district 
based on the desired future condition and the total aquifer storage 
established under Section 36.108;
			(B) the amount of groundwater being used within 
the district on an annual basis;
			(C) the annual amount of recharge from 
precipitation, if any, to the groundwater resources within the 
			(D) for each aquifer, the annual volume of water 
that discharges from the aquifer to springs and any surface water 
bodies, including lakes, streams, and rivers;
			(E) the annual volume of flow into and out of the 
district within each aquifer and between aquifers in the district, 
if a groundwater availability model is available;
			(F) the projected surface water supply in the 
district according to the most recently adopted state water plan; 
			(G) the projected total demand for water in the 
district according to the most recently adopted state water plan; 
		(4) consider the water supply needs and water 
management strategies included in the adopted state water plan.
	SECTION 2.____. Subsection (f), Section 36.108, Water Code is 
amended to read as follows:
	(f) A district or person with a legally defined interest in 
the groundwater within the management area may file a petition with 
the commission requesting an inquiry if a district or districts 
refused to join in the planning process or the process failed to 
result in adequate planning, [including]or the establishment of 
reasonable future desired conditions of the aquifers, and the 
petition provides evidence that:
		(1) a district in the groundwater management area has 
failed to adopt rules;
		(2) the rules adopted by a district are not designed to 
achieve the desired future condition of the groundwater resources 
in the groundwater management area established during the joint 
planning process;
		(3) the groundwater in the management area is not 
adequately protected by the rules adopted by a district; [or]
		(4) the groundwater in the groundwater management area 
is not adequately protected due to the failure of a district to 
enforce substantial compliance with its rules[.] ; or
		(5) the process failed to result in the establishment of 
reasonable desired future conditions of the aquifer.