Amend CSSB 3 (House committee printing) as follows:                          
	(1) In the recital to SECTION 2A.02 of the bill (page 54, line 
14), strike "16.146" and substitute "16.147".
	(2) In SECTION 2A.02 of the bill, following proposed Section 
16.146, Water Code (page 56, between lines 22 and 23), insert the 
	Sec. 16.147. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION. (a) If a person 
constructing a reservoir is required to mitigate the past, present, 
or future adverse environmental effects arising from the 
construction or operation of the reservoir or its related 
facilities, the person shall, if authorized by the applicable 
regulatory authority, attempt to mitigate those effects by offering 
to contract with and pay an amount of money to an owner of real 
property to maintain, control, hold, restore, enhance, develop, or 
redevelop the property instead of acquiring or managing property 
for that purpose.
	(b) An owner of real property may reject an offer made under 
Subsection (a).
	(c) Development rights purchased under this section shall be 
held and administered by a land trust selected by the property owner 
from a complete list, provided by Texas Parks and Wildlife 
Commission, of landtrusts, including agricultural landtrusts, 
operating in this state.
	(d) If practicable, the mitigation of a past, present, or 
future adverse environmental effect arising from construction or 
operation of any part of the reservoir or its related facilities 
shall occur on property within the area of the holder of the permit 
to impound surface water in the reservoir.