Amend CSSB 3 (House Committee Printing) as follows:                          
	1) On page 54, line 13 insert a new SECTION 2A.02 to read as 
	SECTION 2A.02. Section 16.051, Water Code, is amended by 
adding Subsection (i) to read as follows:
	(i) An entity may not bring a cause of action under Subsection 
(h) for a violation of a Subsection (g) if the political subdivision 
that violated that subsection acquired the fee title or easement 
for the purpose of:
		(1) providing retail public utility service to property 
in the reservoir site; or 
		(2) allowing an owner of property in the reservoir site 
to improve or develop the property.; and
	2) Renumber subsequent SECTIONS accordingly.