Amend Amendment No. 54 by Hilderbran to CSSB 3 (pages 92 and 
93, prefiled amendments packet) as follows:
	(1)  On page 92, line 18, between "located in" and "the", 
insert "a priority groundwater management area, including".
	(2)  On page 92, line 19, between "Management Area" and the 
comma, insert ",or in a county contiguous to the priority 
groundwater management area".
	(3)  On page 93, immediately following line 16, insert the 
following appropriately numbered sections:
	SECTION 2.____.  Sections 36.122(d) and (i), Water Code, are 
amended to read as follows:
	(d)  The district may impose a reasonable fee for processing 
an application under this section.  [The fee may not exceed fees 
that the district imposes for processing other applications under 
Section 36.113.]  An application filed to comply with this section 
shall be considered and processed under the same procedures as 
other applications for permits under Section 36.113 and shall be 
combined with applications filed to obtain a permit for in-district 
water use under Section 36.113 from the same applicant.
	(i)  The period specified by Subsection (h)(2) shall be[:     
		(1)  at least three years [if construction of a 
conveyance system has not been initiated prior to the issuance of 
the permit;  or
		(2)  at least 30 years if construction of a conveyance 
system has been initiated prior to the issuance of the permit].
	SECTION 2.____.  Section 36.122(c), Water Code, is repealed.