Amend Floor Amendment No. 63 by Branch as follows:                           
	(1) On page 5, amend proposed Subsection (g) as follows:                       
	Between "purchaser" and "transferee", strike the comma and 
insert "or".
	Between "transferee" and "to purchase", strike "heir or 
	(2) On page 6, amend proposed Subsection (g) as follows:                       
	Between "form waiver" and ".", insert "unless the transferee 
is an heir or devisee".
	After "property is sold or transferred.", insert "If a lien 
holder acquires a leasehold estate through foreclosure, deed in 
lieu of foreclosure, voluntary surrender through bankruptcy, 
involuntary surrender through bankruptcy, or any other transfer 
that relates to a lien holder's rights, the lien holder is exempt 
from this subsection for five years after the date of acquisition of 
the leasehold estate.  Any subsequent transfer of the leasehold 
estate by the lien holder to another party is exempt from this 
subsection, and the transferred lease continues in effect for the 
remainder of its term."
	(3) On page 9, strike proposed Subsection (u), and replace 
with new proposed Subsection (u) as follows:
	(u)  The authority may use the proceeds from the sale of lots 
under this section for any authority purpose.
	(4)  Add the following appropriately ordered Subsection:                       
	(  ) The prospective purchaser at closing shall pay any 
indebtedness secured by a lien on the property or execute a document 
provided by the lien holder that grants the lien holder a lien on 
the fee simple estate in the lot that has the same priority as the 
lien in the leasehold estate.  The prospective purchaser may not 
grant a purchase money lien on the fee simple estate in the lot 
without the express written consent of the holder of the lien on the 
leasehold estate in the lot.
	(4) Add a new SECTION ____ as follows:                                         
	SECTION ____. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of 
this section, Section 221.020, Water Code, as added by this Act, 
takes effect September 1, 2007.
	(b)  Section 221.020(g), Water Code, as added by this Act, 
takes effect September 1, 2011.