Amend CSSB 3 (house committee printing) by adding the 
following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to ARTICLE 2 of the bill 
and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of that article accordingly:
	SECTION 2.____.  Subchapter A, Chapter 46, Parks and 
Wildlife Code, is amended by adding Section 46.0046 to read as 
TRUST.  (a)  A person to whom a license or tag is issued under this 
chapter may pay an optional fee for the benefit of the Texas Water 
Trust established by Section 15.7031, Water Code, at the time the 
person pays the fees required before the license or tag is issued.
	(b)  The minimum amount for the optional fee is $5.  A person 
may pay more than the minimum amount.
	(c)  The department shall adopt a form for the fee that 
		(1)  spaces for a person to indicate the amount of the 
optional fee the person desires to pay, with spaces for the amounts 
of $5, $10, or "other amount"; and
		(2)  a short explanation of the purpose of the optional 
	(d)  The optional fee shall be deposited in the general 
revenue fund to the credit of the water bank account.
	SECTION 2.____.  Section 15.703(a), Water Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	(a)  The board may take all actions necessary to operate the 
water bank and to facilitate the transfer of water rights from the 
water bank for future beneficial use including but not limited to:
		(1)  negotiating a sale price and terms acceptable to 
the depositor and purchaser;
		(2)  maintaining a registry of water bank deposits and 
those water users in need of additional supplies;
		(3)  informing water users in need of additional supply 
of water rights available in the bank;
		(4)  encouraging water right holders to implement water 
conservation practices and deposit the right to use the conserved 
water into the bank;
		(5)  establishing requirements for deposit of a water 
right into the water bank including minimum terms for deposit;
		(6)  purchasing, holding, and transferring water or 
water rights in its own name;
		(7)  establishing regional water banks;                                       
		(8)  acting as a clearinghouse for water marketing 
information including water availability, pricing of water 
transactions, environmental considerations, and potential buyers 
and sellers of water rights;
		(9)  preparing and publishing a manual on structuring 
water transactions;   
		(10)  accepting, acquiring, and holding donations of 
water rights to meet instream, water quality, fish and wildlife 
habitat, or bay and estuary inflow needs;
		(11)  entering into contracts with persons to pay for 
feasibility studies or the preparation of plans and specifications 
relating to water conservation efforts or to estimate the amount of 
water that would be saved through conservation efforts;  and
		(12)  other actions to facilitate water transactions.                         
	SECTION 2.____.  Section 15.707, Water Code, is amended by 
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read 
as follows:
	(a)  The water bank account is created as a special account 
in the water assistance fund and is composed of:
		(1)  money appropriated to the board for the program;                         
		(2)  fees collected by the board under this subchapter;                       
		(3)  money transferred to the account from the water 
assistance fund in Section 15.011(c) of this code;
		(4)  grants, contracts, gifts, or other such funds that 
the board may receive relating to this subchapter;
		(5)  money received from the transfer of water or water 
rights held in the board's name in the bank;
		(6)  optional fishing license and tag fees donated 
under Section 46.0046, Parks and Wildlife Code; and
		(7) [(6)]  interest earned on the investment of money 
in the account.
	(c)  The optional fishing license and tag fees donated to the 
account may be used only to acquire water rights from willing 
sellers to be held by the Texas Water Trust. In the event of a 
conflict between this section and an appropriations act, this 
section prevails.
	(d)  Section 403.095, Government Code, does not apply to the 
water bank account.