Amend Amendment No. 79 as follows:                                           
	On Page 16, by striking subsection (c) and (d) and 
substituting in lieu thereof the following:
	(c)  Subject to the limitations provided by Subsection (d) of 
this section, a [A] permit holder may lease, sell, or otherwise 
transfer ownership of permitted water rights.
	(d)  The[, but a] holder of an initial regular [a] permit for 
irrigation use may [not] lease, sell, or otherwise transfer 
ownership of not more than 50 percent of the irrigation rights 
initially permitted. The[ user's] permit holder's remaining 
irrigation water rights must be used in accordance with the 
original initial regular permit and must pass with transfer of the 
irrigated land.  Irrigation rights initially permitted based on 
land irrigated from the applicant's well that were not owned by the 
applicant are appurtenant to land owned by the applicant and 
irrigated by the applicant's well.
	And on Page 17 by striking Subsection (g) in its entirety.