Amend CSSB 4 as follows: (1) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 12.157(a)(4), Education Code (page 25, line 59), strike "and". (2) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 12.157(a)(5), Education Code, strike the period (page 25, line 61) and substitute a semicolon. (3) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 12.157(a), Education Code (page 25, between lines 61 and 62), insert the following: (6) include input from employers in the program's design; and (7) incorporate partnerships with one or more of the following to provide paid internship opportunities for a participating student: (A) local chambers of commerce; (B) local employers; (C) the Texas Workforce Commission through local workforce development boards; and (D) members of an industry cluster identified under Section 481.0295, Government Code.