Amend CSSB 10 (house committee printing) as follows: (1) In SECTION 15 of the bill, strike Subsection (b) of that SECTION (page 52, lines 2 through 7), and substitute: (b) The committee on health and long-term care insurance incentives is established to study and develop recommendations regarding methods by which this state may reduce: (1) the need for residents of this state to rely on the Medicaid program by providing incentives for employers to provide health insurance, long-term care insurance, or both, to their employees; and (2) the number of individuals in the state who are not covered by health insurance or long-term care insurance. (2) In SECTION 15 of the bill, following Subsection (e) of that SECTION (page 54, between lines 3 and 4), insert: (e-1) The committee shall study and develop recommendations regarding: (1) the cost of health care coverage under health benefit plans and how to reduce the cost of coverage through the following or other methods: (A) changes in health benefit plan design or scope of services covered; (B) improvements in disease management and other utilization review practices by health care providers and health benefit plans; (C) reductions in administrative costs incurred by health care providers and health benefit plans; (D) improvements in the use of health care information technology by health care providers and health benefit plans; and (E) development of a reinsurance system for health care claims in excess of $50,000; and (2) the availability of health care coverage under health benefit plans and how to expand health care coverage through the following or other methods: (A) the providing of premium subsidies for health benefit plan coverage by the state or local political subdivisions, including three-share or multiple-share programs; (B) the inclusion of individuals or employees of private employers under state or local political subdivision health benefit plans, including the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool; (C) inclusion of family members and dependents under a group health benefit plan regardless of age; and (D) requiring vendors of state and local political subdivisions to provide health benefit plan coverage for their employees and the employee's family and dependents.