Amend SB 23 (house committee printing) as follows: (1) In SECTION 1.01 of the bill, in proposed Subdivision (5), Subsection (a), Section 524.003, Insurance Code, between "state" and the semicolon (page 2, line 9), insert ", including the availability of benefits under Medicaid and the state child health plan". (2) In SECTION 1.01 of the bill, in proposed Subdivision (6), Subsection (a), Section 524.003, Insurance Code, between "plans" and the period (page 2, line 14), insert ", as well as Medicaid and the state child health plan". (3) In SECTION 1.01 of the bill, in proposed Section 524.051, Insurance Code, strike "ISSUERS." (page 2, line 20) and substitute "ISSUERS AND BENEFITS UNDER CERTAIN GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS. (a)". (4) In SECTION 1.01 of the bill, in proposed Section 524.051, Insurance Code, following the last sentence (page 2, between lines 23 and 24), insert: (b) The materials produced for the program must include information about eligibility for, and enrollment in, Medicaid and the state child health plan.