Amend SB 23 on third reading as follows:                                     
	(1)  In Subsection (a)(1), Section 1376.001, Insurance Code, 
as added by Amendment No. 2 by Oliveira, at the end of Paragragh (D) 
of that subdivision, insert "and".
	(2)  In Subsection (a)(2), Section 1376.001, Insurance Code, 
as added by Amendment No. 2 by Oliveira, at the end of that 
subdivision, strike the semi-colon and substitute a period.
	(3)  In Subsection (a), Section 1376.001, Insurance Code, as 
added by Amendment No. 2 by Oliveira, strike Subdivision (3).
	(4)  In Subsection (a), Section 1458.002, Insurance Code, as 
added by Amendment No. 11 by Rose, strike:

"health benefit plan that:                                             
	and substitute "health benefit plan that".                              
	(5)  In Subsection (a), Section 1458.002, Insurance Code, as 
added by Amendment No. 11 by Rose, at the end of Paragraph (I), 
strike "; or" and substitute a period.
	(6)  In Subsection (a), Section 1458.002, Insurance Code, as 
added by Amendment No. 11 by Rose, strike Subdivision (2).
	(7)  In Section 1377.001, Insurance Code, as added by 
Amendment No. 14 by Coleman, strike Subsection (c) of that section 
and reletter existing subsections of Section 1377.001, Insurance 
Code, accordingly.
	(8)  In Section 1371.002, Insurance Code, as added by 
Amendment No. 16 by Gallego, strike Subsection (b) of that section 
and reletter existing subsections of Section 1371.002, Insurance 
Code, accordingly.