Amend SB 44 (Engrossed Version) as follows:                                  

(1)  Strike the text on page 1, line 24, through page 2, line 	16, and substitute the following:
		(3)  if the referral option under Subdivision (1) or, 
beginning on September 1, 2008, the referral option under 
Subdivision (2) is not available, attend counseling sessions for 
the elimination of violent behavior with a licensed counselor, 
social worker, or other professional who has completed [been 
trained in] family violence intervention training that the 
community justice assistance division of the Texas Department of 
Criminal Justice has approved, after consultation with the 
licensing authorities described by Chapters 152, 501, 502, 503, and 
505, Occupations Code, and experts in the field of family violence
[or to attend a battering intervention and prevention program if 
available that meets guidelines adopted by the community justice 
assistance division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice].
	(2)  On page 5, line 6, strike "and".                                   
	(3)  On page 5, line 11, strike the period and substitute "; 
	(4)  On page 5, between lines 11 and 12, insert the 
		"(10)  before adopting program guidelines under 
Section 4A:          
			(A)  notify the licensing authorities described 
by Chapters 152, 501, 502, 503, and 505, Occupations Code, that the 
division is considering adopting program guidelines; and
			(B)  invite the licensing authorities to comment 
on the program guidelines."
	(5)  On page 6, line 26, between "Section 3(1)" and the 
comma, insert "and after notifying the licensing authorities 
described by Section 3(10)".
	(6)  Strike the text on page 7, line 23, through page 8, line 
13, and substitute the following:
		"(3)  if the referral option under Subdivision (1) or, 
beginning on September 1, 2008, the referral option under 
Subdivision (2) is not available, counsel with a social worker, 
family service agency, physician, psychologist, licensed 
therapist, or licensed professional counselor who has completed 
family violence intervention training that the community justice 
assistance division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice has 
approved, after consultation with the licensing authorities 
described by Chapters 152, 501, 502, 503, and 505, Occupations 
Code, and experts in the field of family violence [if a program 
under Subdivision (1) is not available; or
		[(3)  perform acts specified by the court that the 
court determines are necessary or appropriate to prevent or reduce 
the likelihood of family violence].