Amend CSSB 82 on third reading (Senate committee printing) as 
	(1)  In added section 33.210, Education Code (page 3, lines 
20-24), strike "Nothing in this subchapter shall be considered to 
limit the immunity from liability afforded under Section 22.0511.  
An action taken under this subchapter is not considered to be a 
ministerial act for purposes of Section 22.0511." and insert the 

"This subchapter does not waive any liability or immunity of a 
school district or its officers or employees.  This subchapter does 
not create any liability for or a cause of action against a school 
district or its officers or employees."
	(2)  (page 3, line 25) insert the following and adjust 

"LIMITATION ON LIABILITY.  A person who volunteers to assist with 
an extracurricular activity is not liable for civil damages arising 
out of an act or omission relating to the requirements under Section 
33.205 unless the act or omission is willfully or wantonly 