Amend CSSB 114 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (a), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, between lines 16 and 17), 
insert the following:
		(1)  "Eligible retailer" means a retailer or other 
provider of instructional materials that:
			(A)  holds a sales tax permit issued under 
Subchapter F, Chapter 151, Tax Code;
			(B)  is not the operator of a 
university-affiliated bookstore; and  
			(C)  meets or exceeds all of the terms and 
conditions contractually required by an institution of higher 
education from the operator of a university-affiliated bookstore 
serving generally the same students as the retailer or other 
	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (a), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, line 17), strike "(1)" and 
substitute "(2)".
	(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (a), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, line 19), strike "(2)" and 
substitute "(3)".
	(4)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (a), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, line 23), strike "(3)" and 
substitute "(4)".
	(5)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (c), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, line 33), strike "for 
public inspection through the Internet or in person" and substitute 
"to an eligible retailer".
	(6)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (d), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, lines 40-42), strike "a 
retailer or other provider of instructional materials that holds a 
sales tax permit issued to the provider under Subchapter F, Chapter 
151, Tax Code," and substitute "an eligible retailer".
	(7)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (d), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, lines 48-50), strike 
"provider of instructional materials, other than an operator of a 
university-affiliated bookstore, that holds a sales tax permit and" 
and substitute "eligible retailer".
	(8)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (d), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, line 52), strike 
"providers" and substitute "eligible retailers".
	(9)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (e), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, lines 54-56), strike "a 
provider of instructional materials, other than an operator of a 
university-affiliated bookstore," and substitute "an eligible 
	(10)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Subsection (f), 
Section 51.949, Education Code (page 1, line 63, through page 2, 
line 3), strike "any other provider of instructional materials to 
students of the institution that holds a sales tax permit issued to 
the provider under Subchapter F, Chapter 151, Tax Code," and 
substitute "an eligible retailer".