Amend CSSB 125 as follows: (1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 542.405(c)(1), Transportation Code (committee printing, page 1, line 54), strike "Section 780.007" and substitute "Section 782.002". (2) Strike SECTION 3 of the bill (committee printing, page 2, line 58, through page 3, line 4) and substitute the following: SECTION 3. Subtitle B, Title 9, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Chapter 782 to read as follows:CHAPTER 782. REGIONAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Sec. 782.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Commission" means the Health and Human Services Commission. (2) "Commissioner" means the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission. Sec. 782.002. REGIONAL TRAUMA ACCOUNT. (a) The regional trauma account is created as a dedicated account in the general revenue fund of the state treasury. Money in the account may be appropriated only to the commission to make distributions as provided by Section 782.003. (b) The account is composed of money deposited to the credit of the account under Section 542.406, Transportation Code, and the earnings of the account. (c) Sections 403.095 and 404.071, Government Code, do not apply to the account. Sec. 782.003. PAYMENTS FROM THE REGIONAL TRAUMA ACCOUNT. (a) The commissioner shall use money appropriated from the regional trauma account established under Section 782.002 to fund uncompensated care of designated trauma facilities and county and regional emergency medical services located in the area served by the trauma service area regional advisory council that serves the local authority submitting money under Section 542.406, Transportation Code. (b) In any fiscal year, the commissioner shall use: (1) 96 percent of the money appropriated from the account to fund a portion of the uncompensated trauma care provided at facilities designated as state trauma facilities by the commission; (2) two percent of the money appropriated from the account for county and regional emergency medical services; (3) one percent of the money appropriated from the account for distribution to the 22 trauma service area regional advisory councils; and (4) one percent of the money appropriated from the account to fund administrative costs of the commission. (c) The money under Subsection (b) shall be distributed in proportion to the amount deposited to the account from the local authority. (3) In SECTION 4 of the bill (committee printing, page 3, line 6), strike "Section 780.007," and substitute "Section 782.002,". (4) Between SECTIONS 4 and 5 of the bill (committee printing, page 3, between lines 11 and 12), insert the following: SECTION 5. Not later than December 1, 2007, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt rules to implement Chapter 782, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act. (5) Renumber subsequent sections of the bill accordingly.