Amend CSSB 439 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1)  Strike the recital to SECTION 1 of the bill (page 1, 
lines 13 through 15) and substitute the following:
	Section 166.002, Health and Safety Code, is amended by 
amending Subdivisions (6) and (13) and adding Subdivision (16) to 
read as follows:
	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Section 166.002, 
Health and Safety Code (page 1, between lines 18 and 19), insert the 
		(13)  "Terminal condition" means an incurable 
condition that:        
			(A)  is caused by injury, disease, or illness that 
according to reasonable medical judgment will produce death within 
six months, even with available life-sustaining treatment provided 
in accordance with the prevailing standard of medical care;
			(B)  presumes a[.  A] patient who has been 
admitted to a program under which the person receives hospice 
services provided by a home and community support services agency 
licensed under Chapter 142 has [is presumed to have] a terminal 
condition for purposes of this chapter; and
			(C)  permanently requires in an intensive care 
unit and according to reasonable medical judgment two or more of the 
following therapies in order to keep the patient alive for more than 
six months without which the patient would die:
				(i)  mechanical ventilation;                                         
				(ii)  dialysis; or                                                   
				(iii)  blood pressure maintenance drugs or 
	(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike added Subdivision (16), 
Section 166.002, Health and Safety Code (page 1, lines 19 through 
	(4)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in Section 166.002, Health and 
Safety Code (page 1, line 30), renumber added Subdivision (17) as 
Subdivision (16).
	(5)  Strike SECTION 2 of the bill, amending Subdivision (2), 
Section 166.031, Health and Safety Code (page 1, lines 34 through 
	(6)  In SECTION 4 of the bill, in amended Subsection (c), 
Section 166.045, Health and Safety Code (page 1, lines 52 and 53), 
strike "or preterminal".
	(7)  In SECTION 5 of the bill, in amended Subsection (a), 
Section 166.046, Health and Safety Code (page 2, line 5 and lines 15 
and 16), strike "or preterminal" each place it appears in the 
	(8)  Renumber the SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.