Amend SB 459 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                         
	(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in the heading to proposed 
Section 201.060, Transportation Code (page 1, line 14), between 
"COMMISSIONER" and the semicolon,  insert "OR SENIOR EMPLOYEE".
	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Sections 
201.060(b), (c), and (d), Transportation Code (page 1, lines 19, 
21, 23, 27, 28, 35, 36, 38, and 40), after each place "commissioner" 
appears, insert "or senior employee".
	(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 
201.060(b)(2), Transportation Code (page 1, line 26), between 
"commissioner's" and "discretion", insert "or senior employee's".
	(4)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in the heading to proposed 
Section 201.061, Transportation Code (page 1, line 46), between 
"COMMISSIONER" and the semicolon,  insert "OR SENIOR EMPLOYEE".
	(5)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 
201.061(a), Transportation Code (page 1, lines 48 and 49), after 
each place "commissioner" appears, insert "or senior employee".
	(6)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the 
bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill as appropriate:
	SECTION ____.  Section 201.001(a), Transportation Code, is 
amended by adding Subdivision (4) to read as follows:
		(4)  "Senior employee" means a department employee who 
is an area engineer, a district engineer, a division director, 
special office director, an assistant executive director or the 
equivalent, a deputy executive director or the equivalent, or the 
executive director.