Amend Amendment No. 1 by P. King to CSSB 482 as follows:                     
	(1)  On page 2, line 20, strike "in a county".                          
	(2)  On page 2, lines 22-23, strike "in a county".                      
	(3)  Strike page 2, line 28 through page 3, line 11, and 
substitute the following:
		(1)  a day for which the National Weather Service 
forecasts that the [previous day's highest] temperature will reach 
or fall below [did not exceed] 32 degrees Fahrenheit in any part of 
a county in the relevant service territory [and the temperature is 
predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours 
according to the nearest National Weather Service reports]; [or]
		(2)  a day for which the National Weather Service 
forecasts that the heat index will reach or exceed 100 degrees 
Fahrenheit in any part of a county in the relevant service 
territory; or
		(3)  a period when, [issues a heat advisory for any 
county in the relevant service territory, or when such an advisory 
has been issued] on any one of the previous two calendar days, the 
National Weather Service observes a heat index of 100 degrees 
Fahrenheit or more in any part of a county in the relevant service 