Amend Amendment No. 6 by Oliveira to CSSB 482 (house committee 
printing) by striking the text of the amendment and substituting 
the following:
	Amend CSSB 482 by adding the following appropriately numbered 
SECTION to read as follows and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS 
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter E, Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is 
amended by adding Section 39.2025 to read as follows:
(a)  In this section, "month to month electric service plan" does 
not include an electric service plan that is represented to be based 
on renewable power.
	(b)  The commission shall review the price of the month to 
month electric service plans under which residential customers who 
have not affirmatively chosen alternative month to month electric 
service plans receive service  if, for more than six consecutive 
months, including the six months before the date this section took 
effect, the price charged to those residential customers is more 
than one cent per kilowatt hour higher, inclusive of required 
charges, than the simple average of the prices charged for other 
month to month electric service plans in the relevant transmission 
and distribution service territory.
	(c)  If, based on the review, the commission determines that 
the price that has been charged to those customers is not 
reasonable, the commission shall reduce the retail electric 
provider's price charged to those customers for the month to month 
electric service plan and order bill credits as appropriate. The 
commission may not require price reductions that will result in a 
reduced price that is less than  the simple average of the prices 
charged for other month to month electric service plans in the 
relevant transmission and distribution service territory at the 
time the reduction is applied.
	(d)  The commission shall enter appropriate orders to 
expedite the implementation of the requirements of this section.
	(e)  This section expires September 1, 2009.