Amend Floor Amendment No. 6 to CSSB 482 by Oliveira by striking the text of the amendment and substituting: Amend CSSB 482 (house committee printing) in Section 5 of the bill as follows: (1) In the heading to added Section 39.2021, Utilities Code (page 6, line 22), strike "CHOICE." and substitute "CHOICE; RATE REDUCTION." (2) At the end of added Section 39.2021, Utilities Code (page 8, between lines 26 and 27), insert a new Subsection (h) of that section to read: (h) On or before January 1, 2008, a retail electric provider shall give to a residential customer under a price to beat tariff on December 31, 2006, a rate reduction of 15 percent for a term of at least 12 months. The rate reduction given under this subsection may not be considered as a residential customer's affirmative choice of an electric service plan for purposes of this section.