Amend CSSB 482 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1)  In Section 39.101(a), Utilities Code, as amended by 
SECTION 2 of the bill (page 1, line 36), strike "information 
identifying" and substitute "the names and addresses of".
	(2)  In Section 4 of the bill, strike the language for added 
Subsection (q), Section 39.202, Utilities Code (page 2, lines 62 
through 67), and substitute:
	(q)  On a schedule to be determined by the commission, the 
commission shall require affiliated retail electric providers to 
provide the commission with the names and addresses of residential 
customers who have not affirmatively chosen a retail electric 
provider or electric service plan.  The commission shall release 
the names and addresses of those customers to retail electric 
providers licensed by the commission and currently offering 
residential service.  The commission shall provide updated 
information on the list of names and addresses to remove the 
customers who have affirmatively made a choice in relation to 
providers or plans.
	(3)  In Section 39.202(r), Utilities Code, as amended by 
SECTION 4 of the bill (page 3, line 2), between "provider" and "." 
insert "or plan".
	(3)  In Section 39.902(c), Utilities Code, as amended by 
SECTION 6 of the bill (page 3, line 38), between "retail electric 
providers" and ", and information concerning", by inserting ", 