Amend CSSB 482 as follows: (1) On page 2, lines 12 and 13, between "that" and "on" insert ", as of December 31, 2006 had more than 250,000 residential customers and". (2) On page 2, line 13, strike "on December 31, 2006" (3) On page 2, line 27, strike "40" and substitute "35". (4) On page 3, strike Subsection (a) and Subsection (b), Section 39.2025 and substitute the following: (a) The commission may review, as described in Subsection (b), the price of the electric service plan under which customers who took service under a price to beat tariff on December 31, 2006 who have not subsequently chosen an alternate retail electric service plan are served in a transmission and distribution utility service territory if: (1) at the end of calendar year 2007 the number of such customers exceeds 25 percent of the number of residential customers in the transmission and distribution service territory in which such customers take service; or (2) at the end of calendar year 2008 the number of such customers exceeds 15 percent of the number of residential customers in the transmission and distribution service territory in which such customers take service. (b) If the price charged by a retail electric provider to applicable residential customers is more than two cents per kilowatt hour higher for more than six consecutive months than the simple average of the prices charged for other similar electric service plans in the relevant transmission and distribution service territory, the commission may initiate a review of the retail electric provider's price charged to such residential customers. Of the commission determines that the retail electric provider's price charged to such customers is not reasonable based on its review, the commission may reduce the retail electric provider's residential price charged to such customers, but not to less than one cent per kilowatt hour higher than the simple average of the prices charged for other similar electric service plans in the relevant transmission and distribution utility service territory at the time the downward adjustment is required. (5) On page 2, line 48, between "be" and "allocated" insert, "held in a segregated account by the retail electric provider and".