Amend CSSB 483 (House Committee Report) by adding the 
following SECTION to the bill, appropriately numbered, and 
renumbering the subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Section 39.904, Utilities Code, is amended by 
adding Subsections (a-1) and (c-1) to read as follows:
	(a-1)  The cumulative renewable energy technology generating 
capacity installed to meet the goal under Subsection (a) may 
include capacity from an existing fossil-fueled generating plant 
		(1)  has a capacity of less than 150 megawatts; and                    
		(2)  is repowered to use a renewable energy technology 
other than wind energy technology.
	(c-1)  In addition to the rules adopted by the commission 
under Subsection (c), the commission shall adopt rules that ensure 
an existing fossil-fueled generating plant is eligible to produce 
renewable energy credits under Subsection (b) if the generating 
		(1)  has a capacity of less than 150 megawatts; and                    
		(2)  is repowered to use a renewable energy technology 
other than wind energy technology.