Amend Floor Amendment No. 22 by Swinford to CSSB 483 as follows: (1) Add to the amendment the following item, numbered appropriately: (___) Add the following SECTION, numbered appropriately: SECTION ____. (a) The lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint a study group that has expertise necessary to develop plans by which this state may: (1) meet a goal of having 25 percent of all energy consumption in this state by January 1, 2025, be from renewable energy technology sources, as defined by Section 39.904, Utilities Code; (2) provide incentives to build facilities for renewable energy storage or for conversion to hydrogen energy sources; and (3) provide support for recovery of costs of building electric transmission infrastructure to facilitate exportation of electric power generated in this state by renewable energy technologies. (b) The study group shall issue a report on the plans to the legislature not later than January 1, 2008. (2) Renumber subsequent items of the amendment accordingly.