Amend CSSB 758 (house committee printing) as follows:                        

(1)  In SECTION 18 of the bill, in added Subsection (a), 	Section 266.0031, Family Code (page 18, line 7), strike "nine" and 
substitute "10".
	(2)  In SECTION 18 of the bill, in added Subsection (a), 
Section 266.0031, Family Code (page 18, line 18), strike "and".
	(3)  In SECTION 18 of the bill, in added Subdivision (7), 
Subsection (a), Section 266.0031, Family Code (page 18, line 19), 
between "hospital" and the period, insert the following:

; and                                                                  
		(8)  a representative of a medical school, as defined 
by Section 61.501, Education Code, with expertise in forensic 