Amend SB 792, House committee report, as follows:                            
	(1) In SECTION 7.01 of the bill, strike Subdivisions (7) and 
(8), Subsection (a), Section 228.011 (page 15, lines 10-13), and 
substitute the following:
		(7) Westpark Toll Road Phase II, between Grand Parkway 
(State Highway 99) and FM 1463;
		(8) Fort Bend Parkway, between State Highway 6 and the 
Brazos River; and
		(9) Montgomery County Parkway, between State Highway 
242 and the Grand Parkway (State Highway 99), and if the Grand 
Parkway project has not begun construction, a non-tolled extension 
of the Montgomery County Parkway to allow a connection to 
Interstate Highway 45."