Amend CSSB 909 (house committee printing) in SECTION 6, in 
added Section 76.019, Government Code, as follows:
	(1)  In Subsection (c)(1) (page 8, line 5), strike "or".                
	(2)  In Subsection (c)(2)(B) (page 8, line 11), strike the 
period and substitute:

; or                                                                   
		(3)  during the period of community supervision:                       
			(A)  has been the subject of a motion to revoke 
community supervision;
			(B)  has committed a criminal offense;                                
			(C)  has failed to appear as required before a 
department officer on three or more occasions;
			(D)  has tested positive on three or more 
occasions for use of alcohol or controlled substances or dangerous 
drugs; or
			(E)  is prohibited by a protective order, 
condition of release on bond, or condition of community supervision 
from communicating with or going within a specified distance of any 
	(3)  Immediately after Subsection (c) (page 8, between lines 
11 and 12), insert the following:
	(d)  A department may not recommend the reduction or 
termination of a period of community supervision for a defendant 
under this section unless the department first provides notice to a 
victim of the defendant's offense, as indicated on a victim impact 
statement, and provides the defendant with an opportunity to 
comment on the recommendation.