Amend SB 943 (House Committee Report) as follows:                            

(1)  Strike SECTION 8 of the bill adding Sections 431.4101 	and 431.4102, Health and Safety Code (page 12, line 22, through page 
13, line 5).
	(2)  In the recital to SECTION 9 of the bill (page 13, lines 7 
and 8), strike "adding Subsections (a-1), (a-2), and (e)" and 
substitute "adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2)".
	(3)  In SECTION 9 of the bill (page 14, line 20, through  page 
15, line 5), strike added Subsection (e), Section 431.411, Health 
and Safety Code.
	(4)  Renumber SECTIONS of the bill appropriately.