Amend CSSB 1009 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                      
	(1)  In SECTION 3 of the bill, in added Section 48.057, 
Business & Commerce Code (page 1, between lines 58 and 59), insert 
the following:
	(d)  A person may not provide substantial assistance or 
support to another person knowing that the other person is engaged 
in an act or practice that violates this section.
	(e)  The following persons may bring a civil action against a 
person who violates this section:
		(1)  a person in business as an Internet service 
provider that is adversely affected by the violation;
		(2)  a business organization that has incurred a loss 
or disruption of its business activities as a result of the 
violation; or
		(3)  the attorney general.                                             
	(f)  A person bringing an action under this section may:                
		(1)  seek injunctive relief to restrain the violator 
from continuing the violation;
		(2)  recover damages in an amount equal to the greater 
			(A)  actual damages arising from the violation;                       
			(B)  $500,000 for each violation consisting of the 
same course of conduct or action, regardless of the number of times 
the conduct or act occurred; or
			(C)  $100,000 for each zombie used to commit the 
violation; or      
		(3)  both seek injunctive relief and recover damages as 
provided by this subsection.
	(g)  The court may increase an award of damages, statutory or 
otherwise, in an action brought under this section to an amount not 
to exceed three times the applicable damages if the court finds that 
the violations have occurred with a frequency as to constitute a 
pattern or practice.
	(h)  A plaintiff who prevails in an action filed under this 
section is entitled to recover court costs and reasonable 
attorney's fees, reasonable fees of experts, and other reasonable 
costs of litigation.
	(i)  The remedies authorized by this section are not 
exclusive but are in addition to any other procedure or remedy 
provided for by other statutory or common law.
	(2)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the 
bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION ___.  Section 48.101(a), Business & Commerce Code, 
as added by Chapter 298, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular 
Session, 2005, is amended to read as follows:
	(a)  The following persons, if adversely affected by the 
violation, may bring a civil action against a person who violates 
this chapter other than Section 48.057:
		(1)  a provider of computer software;                                         
		(2)  an owner of a web page or trademark;                                     
		(3)  a telecommunications carrier;                                            
		(4)  a cable operator; or                                                     
		(5)  an Internet service provider.