Amend CSSB 1031 as follows: (1) On page 1, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill: SECTION ____. Subchapter B, Chapter 7, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 7.032 to read as follows: Sec. 7.032. SUMMARY REPORT ON PUBLIC EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY MANDATES. (a) In this section, "public education accountability mandate" means an accountability requirement established by federal or state law. (b) The agency shall prepare a summary report that: (1) identifies each public education accountability mandate that applies in this state; and (2) references the federal or state law authorizing the mandate. (c) The agency shall: (1) make the summary report produced under this section available as an electronic document on the agency's Internet website; and (2) update the electronic document periodically to include any additions or changes to the summary report. (d) Not later than December 1, 2008, the agency shall deliver in an electronic format a copy of the summary report produced under this section to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house, and presiding officers of the standing committees of each house of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over public education. The summary report provided under this subsection must include the following additional information relating to public education accountability mandates: (1) whether a mandate imposed by federal law duplicates all or part of a mandate imposed by state law; and (2) whether any conflict exists between a mandate imposed by federal law and a mandate imposed by state law. (e) Subsection (d) and this subsection expire January 15, 2009. (2) Renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.