Amend CSSB 1031 (House committee printing) as follows: (1) In the recital to SECTION 7 of the bill (page 5, line 1), between "Subsections" and "(c-1)", insert "(a-1), (a-2),". (2) In SECTION 7 of the bill, in amended Section 39.023, Education Code (page 5, between lines 23 and 24), insert the following: (a-1) The State Board of Education by rule shall require each assessment instrument administered under Subsection (a) to students in grade six, seven, or eight to be an end-of-course assessment instrument. A school district shall comply with State Board of Education rules regarding administration of the end-of-course assessment instruments to students in grade six, seven, or eight and shall adopt a policy that requires a student's performance on an end-of-course assessment instrument to account for 15 percent of the student's final grade for the course in which the assessment instrument is administered. The end-of-course assessment instruments must be designed to assess the student's essential knowledge and skills in the designated course, the student's mastery of minimum skills necessary for promotion to the next grade level, and the student's readiness for advanced coursework. (a-2) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules requiring each assessment instrument administered under Subsection (a) to students in grade six, seven, or eight to be an end-of-course assessment instrument beginning with the 2011-2012 school year. This subsection expires August 1, 2012.