Amend CSSB 1222 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  In SECTION 5 of the bill, in added Section 1305.1617, 
Occupations Code (committee printing page 3, line 41), between 
"INSTALLER." and "An", insert "(a)".
	(2)  In SECTION 5 of the bill, after added Section 1305.1617, 
Occupations Code (committee printing page 3, between lines 43 and 
44), insert the following:
	(b)  Rules adopted under Section 1305.102(a) for the 
licensing of appliance installers must ensure that a successful 
applicant is qualified to safely and competently perform appliance 
installation. In adopting rules for the licensing of appliance 
installers, the executive director shall consider imposing 
requirements for:
		(1)  training;                                                         
		(2)  knowledge of code requirements, including the 
requirements of the National Electrical Code;
		(3)  work experience; and                                              
		(4)  any other knowledge or skills necessary for the 
safe and competent performance of appliance installation.