Amend CSSB 1719 by adding the following Sections to read as 
follows and renumbering the subsequent Sections appropriately:
	SECTION ____. Section 103.051, Civil Practice and Remedies 
Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection 
(b-1) to read as follows:
	(a) to apply for compensation under this subchapter, the 
claimant must file with the comptroller's judiciary section:
		(1) an application for compensation provided for that 
purpose by the comptroller;
		(2) a verified copy of the pardon or court order 
justifying the application for compensation; and
		(3) a statement provided by the Texas Department of 
Criminal Justice verifying the length of incarceration[; and
		[(4) a certification of the claimant's actual innocence 
of the crime for which the claimant was sentenced that is signed by 
the attorney representing the state in the prosecution of felonies 
in the county in which the sentence was rendered].
	(b-1) In determining the eligibility of a claimant, the 
comptroller shall consider only the verified copy of the pardon or 
court order filed by the claimant under Subsection (a). If the 
pardon or court order does not clearly indicate on its face that the 
pardon or the court order was granted or rendered on the basis of 
the claimant's actual innocence of the crime for which the claimant 
was sentenced, the comptroller shall deny the claim. The 
comptroller's duty to determine the eligibility of a claimant under 
this section is purely ministerial.
	SECTION ____. The change in law made by this Act applies only 
to an application for compensation under Section 103.051, Civil 
Practice and Remedies Code, that is filed on or after the effective 
date of this Act. An application filed before the effective date of 
this Act is governed by the law as it existed on the date of filing, 
and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.